As one of his final engagements as County Mayor, Cllr. Danny Collins officiated at the opening of St. Peter’s Garden in the centre of Castletownbere on the 22nd June. The following day Cllr Collins handed over his chain of office to the new Mayor, Cllr. Frank O’Flynn. The renovation of St. Peter’s is a huge project being managed by Castletownbere Development Association. The development of the garden was Phase 1 of the project which was undertaken with huge financial support from Cork County Council Municipal District Funds and the National Road Authority. Cllr. Danny Collins and representatives of Castletownbere Development Association acknowledged and thanked the local engineer Mr. Aidan Prendergast and all his staff for their marvelous job and the external contractors who collaborated. The garden is open every day and is wheelchair and buggy-friendly and additional seating has been provided. It is accessible from the main street and
the pier. Phase 2 of the renovation project will be to replace the roof; it is hoped to have this done by the end of the year.
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